Onze bezoeken aan Dabwe Town en de gesprekken met het MF projectteam in Liberia bewijzen de noodzaak van onze aanwezigheid hier. Kuluboh, Mary en Joe hebben ons laten zien wat zij het afgelopen jaar in gang hebben gezet. We zijn onder de indruk. Natuurlijk is niet alles direct in activiteiten te zien. Dat is een onmogelijke opgave in het jaar dat zij bezig zijn. Maar juist het deel dat niet zichtbaar is, de fundering, moet solide en betrouwbaar zijn.
Tijdens de officiƫle
communityvergadering zondagmiddag, waar iedereen haar of zijn zegje
mag doen, werd mij duidelijk dat hier nog een lange en geduldige weg
te gaan is. Als buitenlander realiseer ik mij dat er feitelijk geen
enkele rechtvaardiging is om mij 'te bemoeien' met deze inwoners. Wat
ik wel kan en mag doen is hen een sprankje hoop geven. Ik ben mij
bewust van mijn rol als bestuurslid van MF Nederland dat MF Liberia
het werk doet, MF Nederland is slechts toeschouwer, toehoorder en -
vooral - bemoediger. Dat is ook eigenlijk wat hier mijn taak is
geweest tijdens de reis: luisteren, signaleren, supporten, motiveren,
relaties bouwen.
projectteam in Liberia is doorlopend bezig de inwoners van Dabwe Town
aan te sporen om hun verantwoordelijkheid te nemen. Alle dingen die
op gang komen in de community staan op conto van de mensen zelf ; de
verandering moet in henzelf beginnen. We hebben steeds gezegd in
Nederland dat wij wachten op signalen vanuit Liberia – wat is
nodig, waar kunnen we jullie mee helpen, wat is jullie behoefte. Nu
we hier geweest zijn, ben ik er nog meer van overtuigd, dat het nu
aankomt op onze daadwerkelijke actie. Stap 1 is gezet, stap 2 komt
van ons, We kunnen dit bescheiden team niet aan hun lot overlaten.
Dat is onmogelijk en zou niet passen bij de spelregels van onze
Foundation. Ik realiseer mij zo goed dat we daarbij afhankelijk zijn
van onze supporters, de fondsen die we aanschrijven, de mogelijkheden
voor donaties die we zoeken. Soms kan het je wanhopig maken als je
merkt dat middelen zo moeilijk loskomen. Wat is het toch lastig om
zelfgerichtheid om te buigen naar zorg voor de ander. Maar we gaan
door! Met alles wat mogelijk is om dit team te steunen.
zullen via de website, via social media en via onze persoonlijke
verhalen de situatie hier in Liberia zo goed mogelijk schetsen.
Wanneer we terug zijn in Nederland wacht ons de schone taak om
betrokkenheid te blijven stimuleren. Als ondernemer heb ik de
mogelijkheid om maatschappelijk verantwoord te ondernemen. Als
individu kan ik mij evengoed verantwoord jegens anderen gedragen.
Daar hoeft niemand 'zich mee te bemoeien'; dat is mijn eigen
een nieuwe dag – nieuwe kansen.
jeugd heeft niet alleen de toekomst maar ook het hier en nu!
maart 2012, Elly
Responsibility for self
During the official community meeting on Sunday, where everyone had his or her say, it was clear to me that there is a long way to go. As a foreigner I realize that there is actually no justification for me 'to interfere' with these people. What I can and should do is give them a glimmer of hope. I am aware of my role as board member MF Netherlands that MF Liberia does the hard work, MF Netherlands is only a spectator, listener and - especially - encourager. That's basically what my job here has been on the journey: listening, identifying, support and, motivate, build relationships.
The project in Liberia is continually engaging the inhabitants of Dabwe Town, to help them take their responsibility. All things that happen in the community must be started by the people themselves, the change must begin within themselves. We have always said that in the Netherlands we are waiting for signals from Liberia - what is needed, what can we help you with, what do you need. Now that we have been here, I am even more convinced that it now comes down to our effective action. Step 1 has been taken, step 2 comes from us. We cannot leave our modest team to fend for themselves. That is impossible and would not fit the principles of our Foundation. I realize as well that we too depend on our supporters, the funds that we write to and any other potential donations. Sometimes it can make you desperate when you find it so hard to get resources. How difficult it is for many people to shift their focus from themselves to caring about others. But we will continue! With everything possible to support this team.
Meeting people from various NGOs gives us lots of energy. We aim for a good cooperation with organizations that already work in Liberia. Rebuilding a country after a war means not only physical but also spiritual support. We can´t do this alone - this needs collaboration. Besides building positive circumstances we need to build relationships, trust in each other, a very important process. Our team in Town Dabwe has understood this well! We are very excited by the energy they put into personal development and reconstruction, to transfer this to the community. With our support these people can really rebuild, in so many respects.
We will try to sketch the situation here in Liberia through the website, social media and through our personal stories as well as possible. When we get back to the Netherlands the task awaits us to continue to encourage involvement. As an entrepreneur I have the opportunity to be socially responsible. As an individual I can behave responsibly toward others. That doesn´t need "interference', it is my own responsibility.
Today is a new day – and there are new opportunities.
The youth owns not only the future but also the here and now!
Responsibility for self
Our visits to Dabwe Town and interviews with the future participants
in MF projects in Liberia demonstrate the need for our presence here.
Kuluboh, Mary and Joe showed us what they have put in motion last
year. We are impressed. Of course, not all operations can be seen
directly. That is an impossible task. But that which is not visible,
the foundation, must be solid and reliable.
During the official community meeting on Sunday, where everyone had his or her say, it was clear to me that there is a long way to go. As a foreigner I realize that there is actually no justification for me 'to interfere' with these people. What I can and should do is give them a glimmer of hope. I am aware of my role as board member MF Netherlands that MF Liberia does the hard work, MF Netherlands is only a spectator, listener and - especially - encourager. That's basically what my job here has been on the journey: listening, identifying, support and, motivate, build relationships.
The project in Liberia is continually engaging the inhabitants of Dabwe Town, to help them take their responsibility. All things that happen in the community must be started by the people themselves, the change must begin within themselves. We have always said that in the Netherlands we are waiting for signals from Liberia - what is needed, what can we help you with, what do you need. Now that we have been here, I am even more convinced that it now comes down to our effective action. Step 1 has been taken, step 2 comes from us. We cannot leave our modest team to fend for themselves. That is impossible and would not fit the principles of our Foundation. I realize as well that we too depend on our supporters, the funds that we write to and any other potential donations. Sometimes it can make you desperate when you find it so hard to get resources. How difficult it is for many people to shift their focus from themselves to caring about others. But we will continue! With everything possible to support this team.
Meeting people from various NGOs gives us lots of energy. We aim for a good cooperation with organizations that already work in Liberia. Rebuilding a country after a war means not only physical but also spiritual support. We can´t do this alone - this needs collaboration. Besides building positive circumstances we need to build relationships, trust in each other, a very important process. Our team in Town Dabwe has understood this well! We are very excited by the energy they put into personal development and reconstruction, to transfer this to the community. With our support these people can really rebuild, in so many respects.
We will try to sketch the situation here in Liberia through the website, social media and through our personal stories as well as possible. When we get back to the Netherlands the task awaits us to continue to encourage involvement. As an entrepreneur I have the opportunity to be socially responsible. As an individual I can behave responsibly toward others. That doesn´t need "interference', it is my own responsibility.
Today is a new day – and there are new opportunities.
The youth owns not only the future but also the here and now!
March 5, 2012; Elly
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